Saturday, August 14, 2010

our Attitude Counts in Seducing a Woman

it is hard to overstate the importance of a positive, good humored and self-confident manner when attempting to seduce members of the opposite sex.

When Michael Morgenstern, author of "How to Make Love to a Woman," asked Women what they found sexy in a man, the most frequent answer was not movie star good looks, bulging muscles or a macho attitude. It was self-confidence.

Part and parcel of self-confidence is having a positive attitude. the two go hand in hand. After all, if someone is self-confident, he's likely to feel good about himself and if he feels good about himself, he's likely to be self-confident.

Such a self-confident attitude also reflects itself positively in the way other people feel, react, and respond when they're around you.

Undoubtedly, you had the experience of being around a glum person and started to feel a little down yourself, around the cheerful person and started to feel upbeat, or around a grouchy person and started to feel a little cranky as well. The same thing with self-confidence.

As psychologist Elaine Hatfield, Ph.D., quoted in Self magazine put it: "The whole study of contagion and emotions is exploding. It's totally unconscious, and it's amazing how fast it happens."

So naturally, when you're trying to make your best impression on a woman, you want to exude those same kinds of qualities that you want the woman to feel around you: cheerfulness, a complete lack of anxiety, and general all-around good humor. You must radiate the same kind of feelings, therefore, that you want her to have around you. If you're not giving out those positive vibes, be assured that other people pick up on it.

Finally, women like someone whose stable. That is, someone who has a regular job and proves himself a responsible person. This, of course, all ties in with the concept of self-confidence as this is partially dependent on having at least some disposable income.

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