Monday, August 23, 2010

Successfully Date a Divorced Man
Have you ever considered dating a divorced man? Before you dismiss the idea outright, consider this: why should dating a divorced man be any different from dating a single one? To some extent, being divorced just means that a man is now, 'unmarried'.

Perhaps, what sets a divorced man apart from a single man is the idea of, 'a broken promise' - he made a promise to be with one person for the rest of his life and then broke it. Instead of focusing on such a negative idea, try to view him as someone who knows that a long-term relationship is not all about wine and sex. Having gone through the divorce process, a divorced man is usually reluctant to take risks and has changed the way he responds to dating in a fundamental way. Follow the suggestions made below to ensure that your relationship with a divorced man does not end in disaster.

Make sure he's actually divorced
In many Commonwealth countries, a marriage officially comes to an end some time after the courts issue a document called, 'Decree Absolute'. If the couple have children, there are other ancillary matters like maintenance for and custody of the children that need to be seen to as well. When you date a divorced man, make sure that all the legal requirements pertaining to his divorce have been adhered to. Are you wondering how to do this? Well, ask him. You are not asking for details of how the marriage broke up. You are asking him to confirm that he is legally divorced - an honest man will never shy away from saying he's divorced.

Do not fall into the trap of dating a man who is merely separated from his wife. In an ideal world, this man would complete all the paperwork with regard to divorcing his wife and marry you. The reality, however, is that there are many women who trust a man completely only to realise, years later, that he never intended to divorce his wife at all. Sometimes, the man does go ahead and prepare all the divorce papers, but, at the last minute, he has a change of heart and returns to his wife. To avoid the heartache such a situation will cause, always make sure that the man you're dating is actually divorced.

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