Thursday, August 26, 2010

How to Ask Somebody Out For a Date

The following points are easy but very important tips you could lean on in times that you seem to believe it is hard asking someone to get a date. For men, the following tips are a really great help to invite the woman of your dreams.

- Know the right reason for asking a person out. When you are aware of your own personality, it might surely have the idea of the way to express it in a method that you prefer.

- What when the women says "no"? Save that for later and prepare to no matter what the answer is. Do not take the "no" so seriously. Learn the good thing about grace in such occasions.

- To find the right words, you may attempt to do a little practicing in order to get convinced of how to say them to the person you would like to be with.

- Be sure there are the most crucial details you have for the date. The person may say "yes" and you simply have no idea what to do, that would be a real "turn off". Whenever possible, be ready with ideas.

- See to it that you know how to reply whenever the person asks you for the reason your asking her out. There is no need to become a very huge flatterer but you have to make sure that you really get the person happy.

- Never stress someone to go out with you. This is not healthy plus it would actually branch out to bad outcomes. Remember not to pressure somebody to let you know why it is a "no".

- Do not stand people up. So when you ask someone out, you mean it and you cannot get away from her just expecting for nothing at all.

- If the person disagrees, do not be bitter about it. All you have to do is move ahead rather than start treating the person bad.

- Having some beer in order to boost your confidence is really a no. It may just push you into worse situations. Please, be naturally confident.

- The more, the merrier except to get a first date. When you are asking a person to get a date, do not do it when she is having friends around.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Successfully Date a Divorced Man
Have you ever considered dating a divorced man? Before you dismiss the idea outright, consider this: why should dating a divorced man be any different from dating a single one? To some extent, being divorced just means that a man is now, 'unmarried'.

Perhaps, what sets a divorced man apart from a single man is the idea of, 'a broken promise' - he made a promise to be with one person for the rest of his life and then broke it. Instead of focusing on such a negative idea, try to view him as someone who knows that a long-term relationship is not all about wine and sex. Having gone through the divorce process, a divorced man is usually reluctant to take risks and has changed the way he responds to dating in a fundamental way. Follow the suggestions made below to ensure that your relationship with a divorced man does not end in disaster.

Make sure he's actually divorced
In many Commonwealth countries, a marriage officially comes to an end some time after the courts issue a document called, 'Decree Absolute'. If the couple have children, there are other ancillary matters like maintenance for and custody of the children that need to be seen to as well. When you date a divorced man, make sure that all the legal requirements pertaining to his divorce have been adhered to. Are you wondering how to do this? Well, ask him. You are not asking for details of how the marriage broke up. You are asking him to confirm that he is legally divorced - an honest man will never shy away from saying he's divorced.

Do not fall into the trap of dating a man who is merely separated from his wife. In an ideal world, this man would complete all the paperwork with regard to divorcing his wife and marry you. The reality, however, is that there are many women who trust a man completely only to realise, years later, that he never intended to divorce his wife at all. Sometimes, the man does go ahead and prepare all the divorce papers, but, at the last minute, he has a change of heart and returns to his wife. To avoid the heartache such a situation will cause, always make sure that the man you're dating is actually divorced.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Where to Meet Single Older Women

The number one place to meet an older woman that is going to be attractive and sure to be health conscious is at the gym. Yea, yea there are a lot of younger hot chicks there too but seriously, this is where you are going to find your "Demi Moore".

Now the next place you will be very likely to meet older women is at a night club. Mature women in a night club are there for basically the same reasons why you yourself are loitering there. She wants to have a good time. She is not looking for her white knight; she is looking for a younger man who is going to give her body the attention it deserves. Now, just because she is actually on the prowl at a club, it doesn't mean you should just pull her out of the door and back to her place. You should be prepared to entice her with fun and flirty conversation. Get to know her, not just her body. Once she feels comfortable with you, then you are free to lay on the charm without over doing it. Take baby steps that will lead to the bedroom, don't just "gun" it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Planning a Perfect Date Night With the Help of Satellite TV

While watching a movie is often a go-to date activity, the actual experience of going to the theater isn't always the best choice. After all, it might first seem a bit romantic to enjoy a classic showing of an art-house picture somewhere in person, until a bunch of loud people trail in after the film has already started, ruining the atmosphere and the evening of everyone in the theater. And if that's something that happens at a more demure screening, those interested in hitting the latest blockbuster on opening weekend can expect nothing less than the antithesis of romance once the megaplex's largest theater is packed with popcorn-chomping people who forget to turn off their cell phones.

Technology is also on the side of turning the movie date into an at-home activity. After all, having a great HDTV set is no longer the kind of purchase that only the very well off can make, and having a better television at home makes it slightly less creepy to invite someone over to watch a movie. While it might be appropriate in the dorm room to spend a date night huddled around a laptop screen, those who are a bit older should be graduating to larger electronics devices. After all, that's a much more relaxed and comfortable way to enjoy a film together.

Does He Want a Relationship? 4 Ways to Be Sure

Actions speak louder than words. Sure, words are important, but the real test is in what he actually does. Does he make decisions based on how they will affect both of you? Your guy should consult you before making any big decisions in his life.

For example, will he organize his work or holiday schedule around yours so you will be together as much as possible? This is a crucial test for any relationship and can be a telltale sign as to his true intentions. Watch how he introduces you to people, especially other women. He should proudly have his arm around you and present you as his girlfriend.

Companionship is preferred. A guy who really desires to be committed to you will prefer you as his companion of first choice. You just have to make sure that you're not his only companion or the excitement could dry up pretty quickly. He does want a relationship, but you must maintain the correct acceleration so he doesn't burn out.

Use wisdom when deciding to accompany him and base the decision off of how much time you've already spent together that week. Don't overdo it. Just because he always wants to be with you, which is a great sign, doesn't mean you have to accept his invitations.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Enjoy True Emotional Freedom - 3 Powerful Tips For Applying EFT

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a powerful skill to develop.

Few other methods can help you heal deep mental and emotional issues while helping you feel excited and energized at the same time!

But how can you best apply EFT?

There are as many ways of applying EFT as there are people practicing it (and probably more). There are a few common methods, however, that usually work best.

EFT Tapping Tip 1 - Use EFT on challenging emotions: This is what EFT was designed for. When you encounter challenging emotions from the past... take time immediately (or as soon as possible) to tap out the issue. Bring your energy field back into balance around these difficult emotions, and you will notice much easier relaxation and acceptance as well as a profound increase in energy. A few rounds of EFT tapping can eliminate or vastly reduce most emotional trauma.

Thinking of Couples Therapy? Try Couples EFT

You may well ask what is so special about EFT for couples compared to the more commonly-known talk methods. There are a number of advantages.

  1. With many kinds of talk therapy, the two parties are led towards a compromise. A compromise is certainly a solution that works. However, it may involve resentment and sacrifice. This is neither ideal for the relationship nor the feelings of the individuals.
  2. Many couples' differences arise from the negative emotions of the two individuals concerned. EFT has the power to completely remove these negative emotions. When they are out of the way, the person can think more clearly and logically. They can see the full picture rather than just their side of it. This is mirrored by their ensuing behavior, which in turn is more encouraging of caring behavior by their partner.
  3. Some individuals unwittingly bring extreme suffering from childhood into their relationships. Talk therapy is more about management of this suffering and its consequences in terms of feelings and behavior. EFT can totally release all the childhood trauma for an individual, thereby removing the root causes of the relationship discord.
  4. Some couple trouble involves deceit, blame, and resentment. Whilst one party is feeling (justifiably) resentful and angry for the other's misdemeanours, it is impossible to have peace and caring loving in the relationship. EFT can release the root causes of the deceitful partner's actions. And it gently and safely helps release the feelings of resentment and blame from the hurt partner. This allows the couple a fresh start in every sense.
  5. Regardless of method of conflict resolution, all couples have disagreements and arguments from time to time. A couple can learn a simple form of tapping to diffuse the intensity of an argument and lead naturally towards a calm resolution whenever needed.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

6 Rules For Choosing the Best Venue For a First Date

Okay, so you met a great girl and you want more than a one night stand. You want to develop a long-term relationship.

There is no perfect dating venue for all first dates. What might be a great place for one person might be all wrong for another.

You can greatly increase your chances of choosing a great venue by following these simple tips.

1. Make the place of your first meeting fun, relaxing and casual. Choose a place where you won't be tied down or forced to stay at for longer than you want to. You don't want to make a first date too long. An exit plan for both sexes is a good idea.

2. Take your date's age and lifestyle into consideration when making your choice. Find out a few things about her likes and interests in advance so you can make an intelligent decision.

You can find out about her interests through your initial conversation, from her friends and relatives, or from her online profile if you met her online.

4. Venues that let you interact with the other person and share your interests with each other will teach you more about them and find out how compatible with two of you are. Such venues as sporting events, concerts and picnics are great for first dates. You have plenty of opportunities to talk, and since the venues are outdoors, they feel less claustrophobic. Clothing is usually casual.

5. Try something that will be memorable. For a unique date, you might try a carnival, festival or city picnic. It will surely be more fun than a coffee shop! There won't be any pressure: you need only enjoy the company.

6. If you're dating in the evening, make sure you stay in public places were your date will feel safe. This is a good idea for any first date, whether you meet the person online or through "traditional" methods.

By being creative and imaginative, you'll make yourself stand out from the other dating partners and someone he or she will want to see again.

our Attitude Counts in Seducing a Woman

it is hard to overstate the importance of a positive, good humored and self-confident manner when attempting to seduce members of the opposite sex.

When Michael Morgenstern, author of "How to Make Love to a Woman," asked Women what they found sexy in a man, the most frequent answer was not movie star good looks, bulging muscles or a macho attitude. It was self-confidence.

Part and parcel of self-confidence is having a positive attitude. the two go hand in hand. After all, if someone is self-confident, he's likely to feel good about himself and if he feels good about himself, he's likely to be self-confident.

Such a self-confident attitude also reflects itself positively in the way other people feel, react, and respond when they're around you.

Undoubtedly, you had the experience of being around a glum person and started to feel a little down yourself, around the cheerful person and started to feel upbeat, or around a grouchy person and started to feel a little cranky as well. The same thing with self-confidence.

As psychologist Elaine Hatfield, Ph.D., quoted in Self magazine put it: "The whole study of contagion and emotions is exploding. It's totally unconscious, and it's amazing how fast it happens."

So naturally, when you're trying to make your best impression on a woman, you want to exude those same kinds of qualities that you want the woman to feel around you: cheerfulness, a complete lack of anxiety, and general all-around good humor. You must radiate the same kind of feelings, therefore, that you want her to have around you. If you're not giving out those positive vibes, be assured that other people pick up on it.

Finally, women like someone whose stable. That is, someone who has a regular job and proves himself a responsible person. This, of course, all ties in with the concept of self-confidence as this is partially dependent on having at least some disposable income.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Top 5 Memorable Dating Ideas

Lots of people get nervous when they are dating someone new. Thinking of all the right things to say and not making a fool of yourself are fears that many nervous suitors have. Of course, one of the other big questions is, where should you take them?

Obvious venues for dating are a bar or perhaps the cinema. Restaurants and eating out are other possibilities too. However, all of these have been done since time immemorial and might generate a yawn rather than a sense of excitement in your date. So why not throw a bit of variety into the mix and suggest that you go somewhere a little different?

Here are a few to think about when dating:

1) Sea life centre

When your main competition for their attention has gills and fins, you should do well by comparison. Also, tanks of unusual fish, dolphins, sharks and whales provide a peaceful yet interesting environment.

2) Circus

From death defying feats to comedy clowns, we all love circuses but how many years was it since you last went? It's probably been years, so a trip is likely to evoke warm and comforting childhood memories when dating.

3) The squash court

Guaranteed to get the blood pumping, adrenaline flowing and bring on a good sweat - just the feeling you want in those early stages of dating! Bring out their competitive spirit with a quick knock around.

4) Bungee jumping

Let them know you're the type of person who can take them out of their comfort zone. If you can persuade them, they'll never forget it.

5) Car boot sale

Show your generous side by telling them they can have anything they like (chances are it'll only cost a couple of quid). A quirky but low-cost dating option.

Unusual dating venues have a lot of added bonuses. "Oh look, there's a dancing killer whale" is a great way to liven up the conversation when you're running out of things to say. It'll take the pressure off you and allow you both to relax and have fun - precisely what you should be doing on a first date. People also love talking about their early experiences when dating and a memory that raises a smile and prompts questions is so much better than 'he took me for a drink'.

Not all unusual places suit everyone. When dating it is important to go to places where you personally feel comfortable and where you're likely to have a good time. If you can find a venue or activity which both of you enjoy then this is a good basis for a date.

Of course, more normal places for dating couples can be used as well. But isn't it much more interesting to be able to discuss the lion tamer or the 80ft jump you just did when you get to the bar, rather than the more normal conversations such as 'how was your day?'. When you find love you will treasure these early dates for the rest of your life. Make the choice now and give you and your new love something to remember for the rest of your lives.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10 Crazy Places For a Getaway With Your Partner


Crazy Places for a Getaway #1: The Rockhouse hotel, Jamaica

Spend a few days far away from home, chilling out in Jamaica. Where? The Rockhouse hotel, Jamaica. It's in Pristine Cove in Negril, and by all accounts, it's a secluded home-away-from-home for many a travelling couple looking for an extra-special experience. You can rent small buglaow-like villas perched above pristine blue-green water. Chill out in total comfort during the day, and then check out the bar at night. It'll cost you, but heck, if you want to get away for a special weekend, this is a heck of a way to do it.

Crazy Places for a Getaway #2: Four Seasons Resort, Koh Samui, Thailand

Ok, so flying off to Thailand for a weekend isn't the most convenient thing if you're not based in Asia. But let's say you just happen to be in the area... or let's say you're filthy rich. If either of these options is the case, you may want to check out the Four Seasons Resort, Koh Samui, Thailand. It's beautiful, it's luxurious, and it's darned special. Gorgeous villas, pristine water that won't freeze your extremities off (in fact, the Gulf of Siam is pretty warm), and foot massages galore, this is a place that entices. Take your time and stroll the beaches... if you're here, it's time to relax and enjoy.

Crazy Places for a Getaway #3: The W Hotel, Montreal

Want to get away to Europe but don't feel like paying the big bucks to cross the Atlantic? Maybe Montreal is the place for you. It's not far from most North American destinations, and it has enough old-school European charm to knock the socks off the most jaded traveler. If you want to be romantic and surprise that special someone in your life, then a jaunt down Old Montreal's cozy historic streets is the thing for you. And when your legs are tired, and all you want to do is get back to your hotel and party like crazy, then the W Hotel is where you should be staying. Located in the city's old district, the W Hotel marries the classic and the new. It's modern, and close to all the major sights. And that's a one-two combo that is just irresistibly romantic.

Crazy Places for a Getaway #4: 101 Hotel, Reykjavik, Iceland

You've seen the shots of typical spas everywhere: pristine blue water, thatched-roof bungalows... it's gets pretty boring, doesn't it? Well, maybe it doesn't. But if you're looking for an out-of-this-world getaway with your significant other, you don't have to get on a space shuttle. Just hop on a flight to Iceland. The 101 Hotel is the perfect place to stay if you want to enjoy the blue lagoon, which is said to have all kinds of healing (and calming) properties. The water of the lagoon is almost opaque, and not something you see every day. So check it out, and stay for a while.

Crazy Places for a Getaway #5: Ten Thousand Waves, New Mexico

If you dig Japanese Onsen -(a kind of spa), and who wouln't, you can skip Japan and go to New Mexico's en Thousand Waves spa and hotel. It looks like you're in Japan, it feels like you're in Japan, but you're in the USA and you're not bleeding money by the minute. They're so serious about giving you that special Asian vibe that they even organize tours to Japan for those who want the real thing. If you're okay with something which is pretty darned close, then enjoy their hot baths and zen rooms. Do a little make believe with your lover. It can be more fun than the real thing.

Crazy Places for a Getaway #6: The Villa Renaissance, Turks and Caicos

Trip Advisor rates it #1 in Turks and Caicos, so it must be good. Villa Renaissance is luxury at it's finest. The pristine sand, the blue water, the classical villas... it's all here. And it's in Turks and Caicos, which is a pretty cool place to visit, if only because the name sounds exotic. There's a little bit for everybody, from beaches to spas to golf, so you won't get bored. Just make sure you save up before going... it's luxury, and it aint cheap.

Crazy Places for a Getaway #7: Nick's Cove and Cottages, California

It's on the waterfront, it's close to San Francisco, and its chalk-full of atmosphere. Nick's Cove and Cottages is for those who want authentic lodging with authentic food and authentic atmosphere. The cottages - each with its own name - are either on the water, or in view of it. They're homey, and comfy. The restaurant great too. Eat well, drink beer... and don't forget to order oysters.

Crazy Places for a Getaway #8: Ice Hotel, Quebec City

Yes, I know it's July, and it's hot, and the last thing you want to think about is winter. But let's say you like to plan ahead and make reservations early... and you're interested in something crazy. Well, start thinking about the Ice Hotel in Quebec City, Canada. It's called the Ice Hotel for a simple reason: it's made of ice. And I don't mean it's made to look like ice... I mean it's actually made of frozen water. The rooms are made of ice, the beds are made of ice, the drink glasses are made of ice. But don't worry, when it's time to sleep, you'll feel nice and toasty thanks to the warmest sheets on the planet and a fireplace in your room. Intrigued? Of course you are.

Crazy Places for a Getaway #9: Hotel Boca Chica, Acapulco

When it comes to taking that special someone somewhere warm and idyllic, you'd be forgiven for thinking that absolutely anything in the general vicinity of Acapulco would fit the bill. And you could be right, but certainly, the Hotel Boca Chica is a standout. First of all, it has a great retro charm (check out their website ), which in itself, makes this place worth checking out. Secondly, thirdly, and fourthly, it has a great view of the water, the rooms are bright and beautiful, and it just oozes old school coolness. It's fun all around: just pretend that you and your significant other are in a time machine, and have a blast.

Crazy Places for a Getaway #10: The 29 Palms Inn, California

It's in the Mojave desert. It's build around a natural oasis. It's in a national park. You get to stay in 1920s bungalows. Sound cool? Hell yeah! Will your girlfriend/boyfriend remember staying there for the rest of their life and thank you for the experience? Quite possibly. So enjoy. Enjoy the kind of stars that only come out when you're far far away from the city, and open up your souls to each other.

Monday, August 9, 2010

How to Make Him Open Up to You? Get Him to Talk About Everything You Want Him to Talk About

Sometimes it is not easy to make conversation with the guy you like because he could be an introvert or shy person by nature. So it is entirely up to you to make him open up to you and feel comfortable in your company. Here are a few simple tips to make your man open up and talk to you.

Comfort levels : Examine his comfort level when he is around you. When people are not comfortable they generally cannot avoid showing it. It is always possible to make out by their action. If you see signs such as fidgeting around all the time then it is obvious that he is not comfortable. Try to make him feel at ease.

Make conversation : It is important to constantly keep him talking or at least keep his attention on you while you talk. Do not let his thoughts wander for a long time and also help him respond to your conversation.

Avoid awkward situations : When you are with a shy man it is always important to avoid awkward situations. Since he is an introvert, he is not going to like it if no one talks after an awkward pause. Neither will he make the effort to break the silence. So it is best to avoid awkward pauses.

Talk about hobbies : To make an introvert talk to you or respond, you must talk about what he likes and what he does in his life. This is a very good way of making your man open up and converse with you fluently.

Talk about common likes and dislikes : It is possible for two people to have common likes and dislikes hence you must find out and stick to talking about these aspects. It can be anything including cars, books, movies or music.

Choose the right location : The venue of the meeting also plays a very important role. Introverts generally like to go to places that are quiet and where there are not many people around. It makes them feel comfortable. Hence you must decide upon a place that is not crowded like a secluded restaurant or a beach.

Show signs of liking : When you are with your man, show that you like him in a very subtle manner. Laugh at his jokes or gently pat his hand to let him know that you care.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Wife's Calling and the Husband's Understanding

The following is a study of Judges 13 and how it relates to married women called into ministry.

Judges 13 (King James Version)

1 And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD delivered them into the hand of the Philistines forty years.

2 And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and bare not.

Manoah was from the tribe of Dan. His name actually comes from a word that speaks of being a man who is settled at home, quiet, and peaceful. It would not be an assumption to say that he was a Godly man but very content not pursuing anything great for the kingdom of God other than just doing his daily chores and providing a home for his wife hoping to one day be blessed of the Lord with children to carry on his name for his inheritance.

3 And the angel of the LORD appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son.

4 Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and drink not wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing:

5 For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.

It is interesting to note that the angel of the Lord came to the woman, and not the man. You can well imagine how her heart must have longed for a child and that longing and reached the throne of God and his compassion and mercy was seen in the events to follow. Notice that the woman never questioned the angel of Lord but accepted this divine visitation without question knowing in her heart that this was indeed an answer to her prayer. A woman's prayers are important to God. He hears the prayers and longings of women who pray for their families. We will see this more clearly has the story unfolds.

6 Then the woman came and told her husband, saying, A man of God came unto me, and his countenance was like the countenance of an angel of God, very terrible: but I asked him not whence he was, neither told he me his name:

7 But he said unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean thing: for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb to the day of his death.

The woman had a word from the Lord. She was eager to share it with her husband, full of expectation for what was about to unfold in her life. Notice that her prayer and was one that would benefit her husband because without offspring his name would not be carried on and there would be no one to receive his inheritance. in knowing the customs and ways of her people, She not only wanted a child to fill the longing of her soul, she longed for a child that would bless her husband with a name to carry on the family. If one would take the time to research the importance of generations among the children of Israel, it would be easily understood that a man whose wife was barren wasa man who was cursed. However, this precious woman wanted nothing but the best for her husband, she wanted his name to be known throughout generations to come, she wanted his reputation to be good, and she wanted to be the source of abundant blessing to her husband. The only way the longing of her soul could be eased was to give her husband a child. She not only had purpose, but her prayers were for her husband to receive everything that the Lord had promised the children of Israel. And there is much to be said about prayer with purpose that is dedicated to our husband's success.

8 Then Manoah intreated the LORD, and said, O my Lord, let the man of God which thou didst send come again unto us, and teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born.

As we see in so many cases, this husband was not convinced of his wife's experience with the angel of the Lord. He prayed and asked the Lord for confirmation of his wife's explanation of what had happened. And the Lord was quick to oblige as he wanted this husband to understand the purposes of his wife in this "ministry".

Take a moment to reflect on what has transpired thus far: the wife longed for something which would not only fulfill her purpose, but which would ultimately bring blessing to her husband and generations to follow; the Lord heard her prayer, and a supernatural encounter took place confirming in God's answer to her prayer; she went to share this "calling" with her husband and immediately he asked the Lord for confirmation; and, the Lord confirmed what she was saying was true . . . He revealed to him the mission and purpose of his wife.

It is a known fact that men as a rule are driven by facts rather than emotion! That is not to say that they are not spiritually sensitive by any means, but that because their logic is based more on fact, they are generally suspect of women's emotional responses even when it comes to things of the Lord. We see this in this chapter . . . his wife had a supernatural encounter and rather than taking her word for it, he went to the Lord and asked for confirmation. It is interesting, however, that all the way through this account he attempts to apply natural responses to a supernatural calling and purpose.

9 And God hearkened to the voice of Manoah; and the angel of God came again unto the woman as she sat in the field: but Manoah her husband was not with her.

God responded to the husband's prayer through his wife. It is interesting to note that a divine purpose for this family was revealed to woman, a command for purity and being set up part for God's purposes was directed to the woman, and her husband, although he was an integral part of the manifestation of this "calling" or "mystery", he was reluctant to accept it at face value even though it was a response to his cry to the Lord for a blessing!

10 And the woman made haste, and ran, and shewed her husband, and said unto him, Behold, the man hath appeared unto me, that came unto me the other day.

Confirmation from the Lord appeared to the woman as she went to get her husband so that he, too, could understand what she had been called to do in response to his prayer to the Lord for a child - the blessing that would grant him favor in his family and community.

11 And Manoah arose, and went after his wife, and came to the man, and said unto him, Art thou the man that spakest unto the woman? And he said, I am.

12 And Manoah said, Now let thy words come to pass. How shall we order the child, and how shall we do unto him?

13 And the angel of the LORD said unto Manoah, Of all that I said unto the woman let her beware.

14 She may not eat of any thing that cometh of the vine, neither let her drink wine or strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing: all that I commanded her let her observe.

The angel of the Lord gave the husband no new revelation. He repeated what he had told the wife and confirmed to him what was about to transpire and what was required of his wife.

We do not have a situation of an "unbelieving" husband, he readily sought the Lord for confirmation of what his wife had been told. But we have what happens in many situations where the wife has an encounter with the Lord and is called for a specific purpose but that the husband questions God and seeks for confirmation.

15 And Manoah said unto the angel of the LORD, I pray thee, let us detain thee, until we shall have made ready a kid for thee.

16 And the angel of the LORD said unto Manoah, Though thou detain me, I will not eat of thy bread: and if thou wilt offer a burnt offering, thou must offer it unto the LORD. For Manoah knew not that he was an angel of the LORD.

And the husbands response and was one that showed limited understanding of his wife's purpose. And immediately he wanted to honor the visitor with a sacrifice because he did not know or recognize that this was an angel of the Lord. He was obviously grateful that his wife had this encounter and that he would be blessed as a result of his wife's "calling" to be a mother, however, he failed to recognize this as a divine appointment or an anointing or a calling.

17 And Manoah said unto the angel of the LORD, What is thy name, that when thy sayings come to pass we may do thee honour?

Many times the husband will acknowledge a wife's ministry, but they do not understand the extent and the purpose and the anointing. They do not understand that God's calling on their wife is direct response to their prayer for the Lord's blessing on themselves and their family. Their response is to be happy that the wife had an encounter with God, but they can't see that the Lord has called and set apart his wife for purposes beyond the obvious family responsibilities. They, at times, even see themselves being fruitful and being blessed but they fail to see the divine appointment that brings forth the blessing and how it comes through the wife's calling.

18 And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret?

Here we see where this husband failed to see this as a supernatural encounter. He saw it with his natural eyes a rather than in the spirit. And, his response a natural response rather than a spiritual one.

19 So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering, and offered it upon a rock unto the LORD: and the angel did wondrously; and Manoah and his wife looked on.

20 For it came to pass, when the flame went up toward heaven from off the altar, that the angel of the LORD ascended in the flame of the altar. And Manoah and his wife looked on it, and fell on their faces to the ground.

It wasn't until this point when the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar that this husband recognized this as a divine encounter.

God will confirm his calling and anointing on the life of the wife when the husband stops looking for natural reasons for the blessing and begins to appreciate the spiritual and divine encounter as confirmation of the wife's ministry. It is very easy to see that if the angel of the Lord had not done "wondrously", this husband would not have recognized the specific calling through a divine appointment of his wife.

21 But the angel of the LORD did no more appear to Manoah and to his wife. Then Manoah knew that he was an angel of the LORD.

Even at this point, it's curious that there may have still been some doubt in the mind of Manoah. It was not until the angel of the Lord disappeared and did not return that the husband recognized this as truly an encounter with the Lord.

22 And Manoah said unto his wife, We shall surely die, because we have seen God.

Forgetting the purpose for this encounter with the angel of the Lord, this husband's response was once again a natural response rather than spiritual. Although he had bowed his knee and worshiped the Lord for the things that his wife had been told would happen, there was still this element of doubt or he would not have feared dying because of this encounter with the Lord. His natural reason superseded his spiritual understanding. In other words, why would he fear dying if he truly understood the scope of his wife's calling. If he truly believed the word of the Lord to his wife that she would bare a son, he would have responded to this encounter with the angel of the Lord much differently.

23 But his wife said unto him, If the LORD were pleased to kill us, he would not have received a burnt offering and a meat offering at our hands, neither would he have shewed us all these things, nor would as at this time have told us such things as these.

This wife never doubted the word of the Lord, she never doubted her calling and stood closely to her husband helping him to understand what was happening. She did not ridicule him for not grasping the reality of her calling, but gently and with wisdom allowed him the room to come to this understanding on his own. It did not happen overnight. And, in fact, until the evidence was seen in his wife that she was indeed with child, he must have had doubt as to the validity of what his wife was called to do.

24 And the woman bare a son, and called his name Samson: and the child grew, and the LORD blessed him.

The good news is that the word of the Lord was proven as she bare a son just as the angel of the Lord had told her. And her husband's doubt did not change what she had been anointed and appointed do. Her response to her husband was always gentle yet with wisdom she sought the Lord on his behalf that he would understand what the Lord had revealed to her as our purpose through this divine encounter. She manifested grace in her relationship with her husband not demanding that he understand the depth of this encounter. She held the truth of her calling in her heart without doubt and continued to walk each day by faith as her husband was working through his own issues with doubt and unbelief. She never approached her husband demanding that he just accept what she had been appointed to do but she dealt with him with wisdom and grace. She trusted the Lord to reveal to him her purpose and calling and allowed the Lord to deal with her husband in his own time and according to his own ways. Even when there was evidence of unbelief after he had met with the angel of the Lord, she held it silently in her heart knowing that God would confirm everything to her husband in his time.

Please note also that throughout this entire chapter, the wife of Manoah was never named. The Hebrew language attributes meaning to names, and in an effort not to categorize the type of woman his wife was or to place limits on the scope of the ministry to which she is called, she remained nameless throughout this story. Regardless of what her background was, regardless of her personality, and regardless of the origin of her name, she was called of God for a specific purpose. Manoah, on the other hand, struggled with the understanding this calling as being a divine appointment. It's not that he didn't believe his wife, but that he did not understand God's purposes that would be manifest through her life as she walked in the calling and anointing of the Lord. It's very possible he didn't understand how God would bring blessing to the family through the wife rather than through himself as the head of the household.

Many times a man who is quiet and content with his life fails to recognize God's purposes for his wife that are beyond his understanding. God will, however, revealed to the husband what his purpose was for his wife. It may take many signs and more than one encounter with God to open the eyes of a man who, like Manoah, is content to be just a man of God quietly working to provide for his wife. It may not be until the evidence of God's calling can be seen in his wife as Manoah obviously saw the signs of pregnancy as she fulfilled God's purposes for her. It is never the wife's place to demand that her husband see what God has called her to do but she is to be as Manoah's wife dealing with her husband peacefully and with wisdom, sharing with Him openly, and walking full of grace to help him to share in the blessings that come as a result of God's calling.

God's calling and anointing will always be confirmed as his gifts and callings are without repentance. A wife should never struggle, argue, or strive for her husband to acknowledge and recognize God's calling in her life. A Godly woman of virtue and faith will pray for her husband and gently help him to see the same thing that God has revealed to her when his purposes for her were made it known. She will not be aggravated or frustrated because he cannot see her purpose or level of her ministry, but she will continue to walk above reproach in her relationship with her husband as God meets with him and gives him the confirmation he desires regarding his wife's calling.

You can well imagine the response of Manoah when his wife gave birth to her son. The manifestation of God's promise to her was the source of much blessing to him. As he looked upon the tiny child in her arms, it would be easy to assume that he would reflect back on the encounter with the angel of the Lord as he revealed God's purposes for his wife to him wondering why he ever doubted the word of the Lord!

25 And the Spirit of the LORD began to move him at times in the camp of Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol.

Tricks to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

You have broken up with your girlfriend, and you want to find out how you can get her back. You have known her for a long time and want to rekindle you lost love again with your ex girlfriend. Well I can tell you that you can definately get your ex girlfriend back fast.

Ok, so you want to get your ex girlfriend back, so you have to first look at yourself and think what wen wrong before you lost her and now you want her back. Ask yourself if you want to get ex girlfriend back because you really love her and want to be with her or is it some other reasons. Remember that if you were too dependant on your ex girlfriend then you may find it hard without her.

You have now realised that you want to get your ex girlfriend back because you truly love her and just can't function without her. Well, there is still hope for you to get back together with your ex girlfriend.

The special bond that you had with your ex girlfriend is something special which you will cherish for the rest of your life. Do you want her? Well you will need to do something to get your ex back. Find a way to get your ex girlfriend back fast before she finds someone else.

As your emotions will be all over the place, dont do anything drastic. your mind state will be all over the place and one minute you will be happy and one minute you will be sad. Losing your ex girlfriend will have really affected you. Take a back step before you try to get ex girlfriend back. There definately is hope for you to get your ex back.

There are several ways of getting your ex girlfriend back if you really want to. However, you need to decide which method you wish to pursue to get your ex back. You can either wite a letter or a peom or something similar which will melt your ex girlfriend's heart. Alternative just let your heart do the talking and you never know, you may get your ex girlfriend back - its worth a try.

Are you someone that finds it hard to express yourself. It may be that your ex girlfriend left you because you did not show her enough love and affection. If you put some effort you just might be able to get your ex girlfriend back.

Just go and tell your ex girlfriend that you screwed up and that you want her back - that will definately make her feel good. Dont talk about the past but the future with your ex girlfriend.

Some guys just to make their ex girlfriend jealous go on date with other women. I think this is not a good idea if you are trying to get your ex girlfriend back. Howevver, the choice is entirely yours. It just from my personal experience, this does not work, in fact it backfires and you may not get her back.

Spending time away from each other will make you both realize how you missed each other. This can reignite the fire of love within you both and your ex girlfriend may want you back. Just contemplate giving each other some space to get on with your lives. You will have lots of time to look at what is good and bad about your relationship.

To get your ex girlfriend back is not easy and it takes times . You will have to try different things to see if you can get her back. However, if you are prepared to put in the effort than you can get her back.

Did you know that you CAN get your ex girlfriend back if you are prepared to give it a try. There are lots of guys who fail miserably because they make very silly mistakes.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

places women want to be touched
Small of her back

The best way to guide your woman through a crowd is to place your hand against the small of her back. This small gesture shows that you feel protective of her without being too pushy like an arm around the shoulder might be. When you’re alone, kissing or licking down her spine to end up with a kiss on the small of her back will get her heart racing.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Things You Should Never Tell Your Boyfriend

Thinking of why couples quarrel? Thinking of how to maintain and improve the relationship between you and your boyfriend?

Going into a relationship with the person you like is very easy but in order to maintain a relationship, it is difficult. Being honest and have trust is the most important thing in a relationship. However, it does not mean that you should blurt out any thought that comes to your mind because the comment that you make might hurt or irritate them.

In order to prevent this from happening, you should never say the following things to him.

#1- Never says "My ex-boyfriend did the same thing"

If you found something similar between your ex-boyfriend and your current boyfriend, you should never ever tell them "My ex-boyfriend did the same thing" to him. I believed that your boyfriend will never want to hear that he is anything like your ex-boyfriend. Therefore, you should keep it to yourself if you feel that he did something similar to your ex-boyfriend.

#2- Never says "I hate your mother"

Even if you are upset with his mother, you should never tell him that you don't like her. Let him calm down and discuss with him normally. If you start to accuse her of certain things, he might stay away from you. I know that you may not get along well with everyone in his life, but try your best to be diplomatic in your relationship with care.

#3- Never asks "Do you think that she is pretty"

When you ask your boyfriend if that girl is pretty, he knows that he cannot win. If he says "yes", you will probably get jealous and upset. If he says "no", you will accuse him of being a liar. In order to prevent arguments, you should never ask your boyfriend such questions.

#4- Never says "I don't trust you anymore"

Trust is very important for a relationship. If you don't trust him because of certain things, never tell him directly that you don't trust him anymore. It will only start an argument between the two of them.

#5- Never says "I earn more money than you"

Money is always a common problem among couples. Never ever tell your boyfriend that you earn more money than him because he will feel that he is more useless as compared to you. Therefore, never mention that to your boyfriend to prevent or avoid arguments.

The things that I mentioned above are the things you should never or avoid saying to your boyfriend. Everyone have feelings including your boyfriend. I believed that if they said the same things to you, you will also feel hurt. Therefore, you should avoid saying the things to maintain your relationship with your beloved boyfriend.

How to Find the Girl Worth Marrying

The M word...It is a very heavy word. The word is relatively hug, in fact. Marriage is even a goose bump generator at times. But when you turn 30, and you still have not tied the knot, the word becomes a very inviting term. Marriage becomes very desirable and captivating. Marriage becomes a need. And this need becomes more prodding when you happen to lack a prospective wife by your side.

How to find the girl worth marrying then? How will you know that she is the right girl to tie the knot with? What should you do to get her? Where to find the girl to settle down with? Here are some pointers for you husband wannabes out there.

Go out.
You won't be able to find her if you won't go out and get exposed. You have to let yourself out there. Be in the dating scene. The ladies won't just come to you. You have to lure them to you. And you won't be able to do this if you stuck yourself in your office even on weekends. You need to breathe some fresh air. Feast your eyes with a number of possible wife-to-bes!

Now, you may say, "How can I go out if I don't even have a girl do go out with?" That's what bars and clubs are for! Never you dare generalize the women in bars and clubs. Not every lady you see grinding their hips at bars and clubs are for booty calls. You might get surprised. And you can also try the term "look around." You might be overwhelmed by how pretty the ladies in your workplace or building are. If you are believe in Jesus Christ, why don't you go to church on Sundays? One good thing about finding "the one" in church is that you already have one thing in common. And a very strong commonality at that - religious belief, that is. Women are everywhere. They will never come of short.

Talk. Share. Discuss.
Every man has unique needs, preferences and demands. The right girl worth marrying for your best friend may not be the type of girl worth marrying for you. You won't be able to know if the girl you are interested in is the one you are looking for unless you talk to her. Share ideologies with her to know how "in common" you two are. Discuss differences and see if you two can compromise and meet in the middle. The more conversations you have with her, the bigger chance for you to learn more about her. It all begins with talking.

Remember that compatibility matters. If you have a lot of things in common, marriage could be a wonderful phase you two would ever experience. And if you two are quite different yet willing to compromise and meet in the middle, marriage could be plausible. Yet, if you two are just opposites apart and would never bend for the benefit of the other, you may lead a very disastrous marriage. Personal differences are one of the usual reasons of divorce.

Love is all that matters.
Yes. Just like a song. There is only one thing that could break the compatibility rule or melt the personal differences away - a huge amount of pure love. If you really love this girl, you think that she's the one, you can't live without her and she feels the same way, compatibility and personal differences would never be an issue to discuss. You can put these stuffs to trash. Go on with your proposal and ask the magical question. All you have to do is keep the love burning and alive.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Body Language - Speak the Hidden Language of Love

Body language - it speaks volumes. If you have a message for Mr. Right, your future boyfriend / husband / soul mate / lover, it is important that you be convincing. How can your body language do that? What secret signals can you give him?

Dating is difficult enough. You want to make a guy fall in love with you and make him commit to you. But then you attract men who are looking for a sexual hook up; a fling, an affair; or friends with benefits arrangements. If your body language is accurate you may be able to avoid these situations.

Facial Gestures Are Important A smile when you see him is the best one. If your face is neutral when you see him, your body language is saying that you have no feelings for him one way or another.

Arch Your Eyebrows If this is a man that you want to know better (warning: make sure that you know who he is. Never pick up strangers.) Arching the eyebrows is a strong way to let him know that he matters to you. Eyebrows are very important to body language.

Do Not Gaze Around the Room When He is Speaking You can let your gaze move around his face, but not around the room. Even if his gaze wanders, you can not allow yours to do so. This will send the message that you do not care about what he is saying.

Tilt Your Head If you tilt your head when he speaks, it says that you are listening intently. He will understand that he and his thoughts are important to him. This will strengthen his attraction to you.

Body Position is Crucial Whether you are standing or sitting, you want to be facing him. This tells him that you are open to his advances. If you sit or stand sideways, your body language will be saying that you are cutting him off. Absolutely do not ever sit or stand with your back turned to him; even across the room.

Hands on Hips are a No-No When you have your hands on your hips it says that you are angry or that you strongly disagree. If that is the message that you want him to have, ok. But that is not the body language of love.

Where are Your Arms? Are they crossed in front of you? This gives a message that you have taken a strong stand against something about him. This is not the way to get a romance going.

Where are Your Hands? When you speak to him, you should use one of your hands to touch him, just lightly, on the arm or shoulder. Your touch is a powerful body language tool that sends a message of bonding to him.

Body Language -

Make sure that your body is sending a message of welcome. Make sure that your signals are all on green - give him the go ahead to pursue you. Body language speaks. Make yours say yes.

Make a Guy Chase You - Make Him Love You and Want You

It would be awesome to make him chase you, would it not? What would it be like to have him do the work rather than you pursuing him? Are you looking for affection and romance? Would you like to put an end to lonely nights and weekends? Are you looking for your soul mate? Join me for a great discussion on the subject. This is the real deal - how to make him chase you.

You could just attract men for friendship and be done with it. But we want more, right? Just about everybody wants to find a boyfriend, husband and lover. Men also are looking for a girlfriend and a wife. You just need to find the right guy and offer the right attraction. I can not tell you which guy is right for you, but I can tell you what the best attraction to feature is.

Do not do this:

Throwing yourself at him will not make a guy fall in love with you and will not make him commit his heart to you. In fact, if you are always available, always answering the phone immediately, always agreeing with him and always doing things for him without expecting anything in return, you are destroying your chances of having a meaningful relationship with him. Male psychology says he will have no respect for you and will not fall in love with you for it. This is not the way to make him chase you.

Do not look like you are looking for a sexual hookup. He will expect you to follow through and you will not know who he is: is he just looking for sex, or did he fall in love with you?

Do this:

Maintain your own identity. Keep your self respect. Show him some personal attention to let him know you are interested. But also make sure that you balance that with playing hard to get.

So, call him. Talk for a short time. Then excuse yourself and hang up.

Smile at him when you see him. Make it a big smile. But make it a short smile. You are letting him know that you want a relationship, but that you are not needy.

Good dating advice says to find the balance between these 2 things; showing personal attention and playing hard to get. It will give you the best chance of accomplishing your goal - to make him chase you.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How To Flirt On the Phone

“How To Flirt On the Phone”

Today I am going to teach you the proper way to flirt
on the phone.

Flirting on the phone is a lot like flirting in person.
You tease a woman and act playful. But what’s different about
flirting on the phone is that you’re mostly relying on
your voice instead of your body language.

Unlike talking to a woman in person, you can’t use
any body language when you are talking on the phone. This
creates a big problem, as according to scientists more
than 93 percent of our communication is based on non-verbal

What this means is that you should pay EXTRA
ATTENTION to your voice tone whenever you talk to a
woman you’re interested in on the phone.

So here’s the secret to flirting on the phone:


From the moment you say “hello” on the phone with
a woman, I want you to use your flirty, playful voice. Don’t
start using it in the middle of the conversation. Start
using it RIGHT AWAY. (For the same reason you want to make
physical contact with a woman as soon as possible while on
a first date…so that it won’t become awkward when you
finally touch her.)

If you’re uncomfortable with using your flirty
voice, then you really need to open up and be more playful.
I can promise you that if you never flirt or be playful
with women, you’re not going to have much success in
dating. Women are just going to talk to you because they
think you’re a good “friend”.

Here is a good exercise for developing a flirty

Imagine the person you’re talking to is in the
same room with you and you’re flirting with her on the
couch. Her face is just inches away from yours, and
there’s some intense eye contact going on. Now adopt
the same expression on your face and body language with
you body. Finally, project all of this to the woman
you’re talking to by slowing down your speech just a bit –
especially on the vowels.

Chances are…she’s going to “see” you through
your voice!

How To Make A Woman Feel Really Special

“How To Make A Woman Feel Really Special”

Today I am going to show you how to make a
woman feel “unqiue” and “special”. In fact, you can
use this tip to make ANYONE feel unique or spcial!

Most people wish they were somehow “different”
or “above” the rest of society, and you can use this to
your advantage.

After you’ve talked to a person for a little
while, let them know how “different” you think they are.
They will be very flattered.

This does not mean you have to “lie” about

Remember that a successful leader can often see
things in people that most other people do not notice.
After all, that is what a leader does – he sees the best
in people, helps them become their best, and gets them
to offer him assistance. He knows that in order to achieve
his vision, he’ll need other people with expertise and
skills that he doesn’t have himself.

In short, leadership requires you to look at a
person and pick out something that the person can do
better than you.

There’ll always be things that other people can
do better than you, and you should acknowledge that
as a leader.

Here are a few examples:

“I wish I knew how to .”

“I wish I could .”

“You’ve gotta show me how to
one day.”

“I should hire you as my assistant.”

“You know…I’ve met a lot of people…but you’re the
first person I’ve met who .”

Try to pick out something that most other people
do not see in the person. Don’t bother to repeat the obvious.
By now, you should know what the person REALLY wants.
Compliment them on those!

The person is going to want to come back for more!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Hidden Messages of Flowers

Throughout time, flowers have been a symbol of emotion, and used to communicate thoughts and feelings when simple words just don't suffice. Flowers are often sent to celebrate good news, to offer condolences during times of loss, or simply to let another person know he is loved and appreciated. In this way, florists are the silent messengers of the world, skilled in putting together a beautiful bouquet that will help you get to the heart of the feelings you wish to convey to another.

Back in the Victorian era, the selection of flowers available was far more limited, and it was commonplace for people to send flowers to one another to communicate a non-verbal message. Since each flower had a handful of meanings, it was often up to the recipient to determine exactly which was the most applicable, in order to decode the message being sent. In this way, messages passed from one person to another were not able to be easily intercepted, and commonplace events such as secret trysts, long-standing grudges, and infidelities were able to be hidden behind the most ordinary of symbols---the flower.

Although many florists today are well-educated in the historical meanings of flowers, most of them have fallen into disuse. While red roses are still the traditional gift of love and passion, they are also used to express congratulations, to commemorate a special event, or simply to say "I'm thinking of you". The meaning of a particular flower or bouquet comes more from the flower itself and the artistry of the florist; smell, touch, and sight all contribute to the strong emotional reaction many people have to receiving flowers, and a well-designed bunch of blossoms will not only delight the senses, but deliver a message to the recipient.

With technology bringing the world closer together, the options for florists have become far less limited. It's become a much easier process to obtain a particular bloom from another part of the country, or even from overseas. The handful of flowers known to the Victorians has literally become a worldwide catalogue of thousands, giving both florists and consumers more options for self-expression. Times may change fairly rapidly, but the popularity of flowers has never waned, and shows no sign of doing so anytime soon. While not many things in life remain constant, a bloom is worth more than a thousand words.

How Age Affects Relationship

Big age gaps between a husband and wife sometimes happen. Although it is not common but it does exist in many marriages. It may be the husband is older, as this is more common, but there are many couples out there where it's actually the wife with more years under her belt. Either way, these do exist and they're probably more common than you think. Many people think these are unconventional and may have the bearings of a marriage that won't work. You could then ask a question if this kind of relationship works. Is this kind of marriage successful?

Most of the people will think that the marriage with big age gap doesn't work most especially if the gap is more than 11 years. This could be likewise true especially if the one older is the woman. Men normally like to have children but what if the wife cannot give it to the husband because of her age or some to other reasons or vice versa. This is a big problem then and could even lead to separation.

One reason also is because of this big age gap the husband and wife evidently differ in each other's interest.

Well, some however, before they get married, they agree and make compromises in things that they differ. But eventually in their marriage, the young still wants to enjoy a lot of things which the older one may consider those things as waste of time because he/she has gone through them.

Another one is the relationship between each other. Apparently because they differ in age, they differ also in many ideas. The younger one may think the older one as old fashioned and may treat the other partner as his/her father/mother. On the other way around, the older one will treat also the younger partner as his/her child.

Nevertheless, if the parties are almost of same age, or the age gap is not so big, their level of maturity also don't differ too much. They could then agree in many things, interests, ideas, opinions and choices in life. So the bonding is very strong and course they will be living most of the time happy and contented with each other.

In time, however, partners and a lot of people already think big age gap is not a big deal. What is important is that the couple wholeheartedly accept, adjust and treat with each other as truly husband and wife.

Tips For Becoming a Pick Up Specialist

There is certainly no such thing as a 24 hour pick up specialist, but with the applicable tools and approach, a male can turn out to be one in almost no time at all. Qualities that are known as alpha male in the wild are the crux of what it takes to court or attract a young female. Alpha male features are facets shown by prominent males. Due to the fact that alpha males usually tend to lead their peers, women are attracted to their ability to set themselves aside from others. To captivate women of all ages, an understanding of seduction language, suggestions and alpha dog characteristics are important, and covered below:

1. Pick up artists name the girls you deal with in social settings "targets," and if they're in a group of individuals they are classified as "sets."

2. Nearly all pick up artists and master seduction teachers concur that getting the opposite sex attracted to you enough to go home with you usually takes anywhere from 2 to 4 hours.

3. Having things roll off your back, telling interesting tales, and involving every new person you meet in dialogue are definitely three alpha male traits that females cannot resist.

4. To pick up a female a guy must never ever demonstrate weakness in his thoughts in front of her.

5. Never ever undervalue the power of being friendly and polite to an entire group of girls, even if you are solely interested in hooking one of them.

6. To be the center of attention in a pub or otherwise commonly means being super quick on your toes or using extremely funny anecdotes to let everyone with you to take it easy and have a nice time in your company.

7. "Multi-threading" is a label chosen by seduction artists to explain ways in which you can add several themes of interest in conversation to give yourself time in gaining a woman's focus on you.

8. Dismissing the woman you eventually wish to date or mate with initially disqualifies a male as a possible suitor, and thus makes her more invested.

9. A man that has many women around him regularly demonstrates such high standing that it is typically difficult for a woman to get that mental picture out of her mind.

10. Occasionally the volume level where you become acquainted with a girl is too great, and when this is the circumstance a male ought to attempt to bring the girl somewhere that he can be heard.

11. Any time a man is trying to attract a girl, it is incredible how quickly she can be invested by a guy's friend stepping into the conversation and talking up his buddy.

12. From time to time it is necessary to "neg" your target temporarily, which means politely reduce her value to make her consider you are not focused on courting her.

13. Men are consistently anxious at the notion of seducing a girl associating with other guys, but if you find a mutual understanding with them they will permit you to be part of their party.

Dating Tricks Tips