Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Make Men Like You - Draw Men to You Like Never Before


Do you think you're lacking that magic gene that would have men liking you? Have you noticed how men just seem to look right past you and you don't know why? Do you think you're relatively good looking and you don't get what's going on? Get started on the right track with this article.

Some women were taught a lot of old fashion rules when it comes to dating and many of them haven't been able to update those rules and make them pertinent to today's dating scene.

For instance, many women were taught to be demure, naive and submissive. Some have even been told to diminish their intellect so as not to intimidate any perspective mate.

But men today don't really want a wishy-washy woman who doesn't have a mind of her own. They want to be able to have an intelligent conversation and enjoy the fact that women are so independent and self reliant.

However, there remains a delicate line you don't want to cross over. As independent as you might be, to get a relationship going in the right direction you still want to be able to show him that he has an important place in your life.

You also want to be careful not to create too much of an air of competition. Some women have become reluctant to allow the man to win any points on any level. They want so desperately to prove themselves better on every count and while they may think they're impressing the guy with all their know how, they might actually be turning the guy off with their abrasive, if not condescending attitude.

Be proud of yourself, but leave him room to be proud of himself as well.

Men want to be where they feel good and this is what will ultimately draw them to you. Sure, you have to take into consideration that looks will ultimately play a role in this. A guy enjoys being with a girl who presents herself in a pleasing manner and who seems to care about her appearances.

And finally, there is one lesson from the past you should adhere to. Back in the day the girls who went to bed with a guy too soon was often seen as a tramp. As modern as we've become and as free as sex can be today, that notion still holds true to a great extent.

Though you might find this unfair, it still remains a fact. The serious minded guy who is looking for a women with whom to build a life with will look at the girl who flaunts all her attributes and leaves with a different guy every night and think, no. And if you're honest with yourself, faced with a guy who had bedded every woman in the place and then some, would you really consider him for a lifelong mate?

Let him see, first and foremost, that you have something to say, something interesting to bring and are emotionally stable enough to actually build a relationship with. The sex will come later. If anything, the sex will be all the greater due to the great anticipation you'll have built, but also because you'll have had a chance to build an emotional bond, one that will keep you together even after the sex is over.

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