Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Surefire Ways to Make Your Man Commit
Have you given up on trying to make your man commit? Do you believe that men are impossible and will never commit? Are you at your wit's end? If so, don't despair. Read on: there are actually some surefire ways to make your man commit.

Before you get too excited, look at those key words again: "make your man commit." It doesn't say "any man." This dating advice is for girl's who already have a man they are seeing regularly. The strategy you use will depend on how long you've been seeing each other and how far he's progressed towards making a commitment to you.

If you've only been going out for a little while and the guy is either still dating other girls or spending a lot of time with his buddies, you just need to make every moment together count. Try to steer your dates away from parties and clubs and towards more intimate surrounds. A day out together is a great way to get to know each other. Find something to do together that he will enjoy as much as you do. The trick is to make your activities together unique and better than the things he does every day. That will make you stand out as special in his mind.

If you have been dating for a long time and neither of you is seeing anybody else, then it's commitment time. For you, that comes easily. For him, it doesn't. He will resist the change, especially if he is reasonably happy with the life he already has. He may be afraid to rock the boat for fear of losing his friends or his freedom. Your job is to make him realize that a commitment to you is not a loss, but a gain.

You may have to make him realize what he'll be losing if he loses you before he'll be willing to give up his imagined freedom. Would having the freedom to date other girls be better than having you at his side? Make him know that the answer to that question is "No!" but that he is going to have to decide.

If all else fails, you may need to show him that you can live without him. Don't jump every time he asks you out. Don't call him on the phone. Make him call you. If he feels you're drifting away from him, it may be enough to make him realize that he is in love with you.

Remember, these techniques will only work on a man you already feel a bond with. No matter what the dating advice gurus tell you, you can't make just any man commit to you. However, if you follow this advice, you can make your man commit to you.

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